For quite sometime folks have been saying that I needed some of my art work at the ranch. It is at the ranch (in my studio) but not readily visible to others. Someone teasingly said to paint a mural on front of one of our guest cottages!!! As of this week, there is officially Joi artwork visible to guests at the ranch. FUN!
I will paint something else on the left side - just don't know what yet! This is one of the entries to the garden. You can sit in our big, homemade, free standing, cedar porch swing and see this sign.
In the picture below - you can see BOTH signs.Yes - I did TWO! The one in the far back is on the path that leads to the parking lots so I painted a blessing on it so they will see it as they leave.
Here are the signs.
Hubby did the lettering - free hand with the dremel.
Another view of the garden and our home in the background! We are waiting on new ground cover in the rose garden on the right. Our tree roses have not started to bloom yet. We are sure enjoying the veggies from the garden - yum!
NO... I didn't do all this work. We have ranch hands that help.
Here is how I did the signs with DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics.
On the 36" wide wood board, using my hands, I spread the paints.
Yes - I am a hand painter!!! Got a splinter too - whew!
My brother and I wrote the little poem.:)
And this one is the blessing sign.

Not only did I use DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics but also the DecoArt Media Misters. Such yummy colors for playing!
I mostly just sprayed and splattered and finger patted!!!
I am not sure what kind of flowers they are...someone said Texas Bluebonnets but mostly they are just artsy Joi flowers!! I used my really long bristle liner brush and a blender brush.
And here are all the DecoArt products used!
DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics:
Phthalo Green-Blue
Quinacridone Violet
Diaxazine Purple
Pyrrole Orange
Primary Magenta
Translucent White
Green Gold
Sap Green
Phthalo Turquoise
Diarylide Yellow
Primary Yellow
Transparent Red Iron Oxide
Quinacridone Gold
Ultramarine Blue
Titanium White
Blue Green Light
Yellow Green Light
Raw Sienna
Titan Buff
DecoArt Media Misters:
Shimmer Yellow
Shimmer Turquoise
Shimmer White
DecoArt Media Gesso
DecoArt Media Tinting Base
Not included in the pictures... dear me!
DecoArt Media Satin Varnish (indoor/outdoor - wow)
DecoArt Media Modeling Paste (on the flowers)
DecoArt Metallic Lustre:
Brilliant Turquoise (on the road)
Majestic Purple (in the sky)
As always , I am so grateful that you stopped by to see me!
Love Love Love your comments - thanks bunches!
My blogger reply button is broken. Email me with any questions :)
May Grace and Peace Shine Upon You
XX j.
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Happy to share with the following challenges:
Wood, Word and Something Wild
My project is painted on WOOD, surrounded by WOOD, in the WILD woods with WILD flowers and lots of WORDS too!!
Celebrate Your Style
HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY to you all!
"Celebrating My Style" by adding mixed media JoiArt to the ranch!