Compendium of Curiosities
Challenge #28 - Ombre Effect
Hello again from Joi. Today is for sharing my newest learning experience. It was rather fun! This challenge from Linda Ledbetter's Studio L3 is to use the technique on page 57 of Compendium of Curiosities Vol. III by Tim Holtz.
You may ask... what is that technique? Heheheh - I can't tell you. Isn't that fun!!!???? But you can buy the book. In fact, Tim Holtz will send you an autographed copy if you really want to know. It's such a fabulous book. I keep reading it over and over.
And I have to tell you - if you want to see some of the cutest super sleuth pictures EVER - look at the Curiosity Crews (click here) pictures. They crack me up and they have all been so sweet to me.
If you click below - you can see their amazing project presentations for Challenge 28 - Ombre Effect. Can you choose a fab? I couldn't!
And it's also an exciting challenge because there is a PRIZE!!!!
It's a gift certificate from The Funky Junkie Boutique (visit here). What fun it would be for me to get to go shopping there.

Sooooooooooo.... this technique is called the Ombre Effect. Now... here's some gossip for you. Even though I really do have a Master's Degree... I did NOT know what an ombre effect was at all. Dear me!!! WHERE have I been??
Here is my Ombre Effect Design.
The colors I used were:
Wild Plum - Purple Twilight - Eggplant
Since I am relatively new to working with inks... this took me awhile and was very interesting. In the end... I experimented on several different surfaces to see how the technique worked. And decided it would be fun to use all of them together in the project.
As you can see in the picture, I used:
Distress Watercolor Cardstock
Distress Specialty Stamping Paper
Photo Paper
Watercolor Canvas (Fabric)
Each type of surface looked a bit different. The only one that was different in color was the watercolor canvas but the technique looked very similar on all surfaces.
Having the decision made to use all four surfaces left me thinking and thinking day and night - hehehehe - yep!! - what to do. I tried various things... and here is the one I almost went with...
It was a vintage lady stamp and then two of dress forms from the Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack (Click for Funkie Junkie Boutique) - regular and vellum. But, for me, it distracted from the lovely ombre effect used on the paper surfaces... sooo I put on my thinking cap again.
I really liked the bow that was dyed to match the colors used on the papers so decided to keep that but what else??? All the Curiosity Crew used stamps on their projects so it seems important. I really wanted the papers to be the focal point. The Ombre Effect was so pretty that it seems every stamp I took out just detracted.
In the end... I went with just words. That seems to make the Ombre papers the STAR OF THE SHOW!!!
For the front I used: Stampers Anonymous Worn Text CMS156. I added just a bit of glitter to the "YOU" with my violet Wink of Stella pen.
The bow was from Idea-ology Crinkle Ribbon (Funkie Junkie Boutique) stained to match the colors of the papers and canvas. Underneath is some heavy thread that was from a vintage wedding gown under the lace. The "jewel" was from an old bracelet.
After the inside was finished, I noticed that some of the tiny pieces I had cut from the Ombre Effect papers were just laying on the outside part of the card... (dear me... I wasn't being very careful huh - could have ruined the top -ugh) and it looked rather interesting to me! I took them off - put them on - on, off, etc... and finally decided it was rather fun! It sorta framed the YOU with the bow on the other side. Plus it sorta matched the patchwork on the inside. Yeah... I didn't waste any of my lovely Ombre Effect papers!!! Used every last scrap!!!
Oh - and Tim Holtz Distress Glitter (Funkie Junkie Boutique) was added to all the edges of the Ombre Effect layers too. Wish you could see the sparkle better - just couldn't capture it well.
On to the inside! Again... it seemed appropriate to keep the Ombre Effect as the STAR! Off to gather supplies to do another sheet of Ombre Effect paper! This time I needed a large size so I went with some Strathmore Mixed Media Paper. Colors turned out the same!
The stamped words are from Hero Arts - My Words stamps. You can mix and match words to say what you design them to say!
For the center, I used scraps from the front of the card. They were just too pretty to go to waste so I made a little patchwork type box to surround my sentiment. It seemed like it needed just a touch of flare so I added Tim Holtz Idea-ology (metal) Mini Corners (Funkie Junkie Boutique)
Yes, Yes, I know the mini corners are upside down! If you go to the link above you can see what the corners really look like in the Funkie Junkie Boutique. They have a lovely solid front. But that just overwhelmed my little patchwork playground so I turned them upside down and they were just the tiny touch of metal needed!!!
I learned a LOT. And I had LOTS of fun! I am not a good student unless I am motivated. Sooo it's really wonderful to have the Compendium of Curiosities Challenges to motivate and teach me so many fabulous "Tim" techniques.
YOU make life better!!!!!!!!!
Hugs. joi
You are such a delight! Thanks for all the mentions on the crew! LOVE that you tried this on several papers instead of the Glossy. That's how we learn! The colors you used are gorgeous, and I LOVE the bow...gorgeous creation! Thanks so much for playing with Alcohol Ink with us at CC3Challenge!!!
Wowzalicious colour, Joi - what a fabulous piece! And 'make life better every day'? Oh yes, that's what it's all about.
Hi Joi! You are so refreshing. I love when people are so excited about art and experimenting with new techniques and products! Your art is wonderful and you are such a sweet person. It's a pleasure to have you along for the ride with our curious crew. :) Your card is lovely. I love that you were adventurous enough to try the alcohol ink on other substrates besides just the glossy cardstock. Great results and a beautiful card! Thanks for sharing with us at CC3C. <3 Candy
Fabulous, you Curious Girl, you!! I love how you experimented with all kinds of surfaces. You've just invited us all into your playfulness with your inks and papers. I'm completely swept up!! Lovely card, lovely use of the ombre technique. So glad you're playing along with us!!
Wowsers Joi!! This is just gorgeous! You know, I had never heard the term ombre before either until I joined the crafting blog world. Isn't that funny! Your card is really amazing, your colours jump right off the screen, wow!! I love how you ended up using all the test pieces. Each one is slightly different but perfectly coordinated! The ribbon turned out fantastic, using more than one colour can be tricky! Just stunning my friend! PINNED! hugs :)
Such glorious layers of vivid colour - these are amazing, Joi... I love the reversed metal corners too - what a cool touch.
Alison xx
Oh, the inky goodness of this absolutely thrills me. It's interesting to see all the different surfaces going on and how they all look together. So much great saturation of color and amazing textures. Awesome work!
What a vibrant creation, love it!!
OH Joi...WOw...I LOVE LOVE LOVE your card..the color is amazing,...the technique is fabulous! You rocked it sweets! So so happy to have you playing along with us at CC3C!
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